
Inktober 13

I think David Lynch’s film is OK. I managed to sit through it all which in my case gives it a better record than the book. Dune is one of those books I’m always reading. I start it, get into it for a bit, then put it down for a few months before I pick it up again. My latest attempt was going really well until I discovered Audible and just started listening to books instead.

The prompt seemed to direct me to the book , rather than to a sand dune. I wondered how best to represent a high concept SciFi classic in a single drawing. Given the politics and families in the text I instantly thought of a playing card, which would convey the hierarchy of a house, and nod to the fact that there are many houses all in competition. Paul is a Jack in my mind, but I dropped the J for the PA circle motif. What better symbol to represent the House of Atreides but a worm. The Fremen costume he is in is inspired by the 80s film.

I love playing cards and Tarot cards for the art, not the games or fortune telling. I have ambitions to produce a whole set one day. It’s in my to do pile along with learning a new language and taking up the drums, so don’t hold your breath.



